Welcome to a very late January newsletter. Forgive me as the time as gotten ahead of me. January is here and almost gone. With that being said there have been a lot going on. From the reset that we all needed so dearly to the celebration of the holidays being over. For me January has been a mental reset. From the gym to the increased therapy, I am feeling my best.

Mental health Check in for the Monthly Newsletter
There have been some unresolved things from last year that I am dealing with. From my marriage to my parenting, it seems even if I wanted to ignore the issues, they are ringing loud. Without getting into it too much, I am making sure that my personal happiness is not in the background. This may seem wrong to say. Too many women put their masks on last. The lasting effect brings about a home that is filled with high mental turmoil. I am determined to take care of me.

In addition, I am seeing a pure mind that is allowing me to make decisions that will affect everyone in my home. How can I be happy but command respect and be present for my children as we begin to transition my oldest to adulthood? There’s a lot on the line. However, one thing that has been helping me is honestly. Being honest with those around me and not letting anything distract my personal work.
The Step Back for Content Creating
If you have been following me on my socials, you may have heard me talk about stepping back. My schedule has changed. With that I am being selective. I am not working as hard in creating content where I do more PR events then leaning into my own creativity. This doesn’t mean that I haven’t gone to events it just means I am taking a step back.

What I have seen is more sense of love back for my writing. I have increased my freelance writing and I love it. Do not worry I am still committed to doing at least 3 fresh blogs a week. It feels so good to get back into the world of writing. This is my first love. So, if you are thinking of doing a new thing this year do it. Do it afraid but do it. I am all the way in my zone. As February is almost in tow, I am still going to continue my step back. This means that more dates of rest will happen. I am going to be selective in what I do and who I align with.
Adulthood Conversations with my Oldest
My oldest is turning that age where she has driving on her mind. That makes me uneasy. However, I know that this is part of life. So, our conversations have taken a turn. It means me being honest about what is to come. Explaining a lot of my college years as well as adult choices. The lessons I learned and continuing to have honest conversations. So far, she has felt comfortable to open up to me. I love that for both of us. I want her to feel safe.

So, you can imagine especially if you know me personally that our conversations are colorful. One thing my mom did was tell it like it is on most things. Of course, my parents let religious believes stall a few conversations. I plan to not hold back. Tell her the truth and make sure she knows especially with the way the world is now, focus on an education, hard work, travel, and being as independent as possible.

Check ins and What’s coming up newsletter edition
The podcast episode will be available tomorrow. Season 12 is the newest and I am having a fun time getting back into the groove. For the weekend, looking for events in Philly, make sure that you check out Visit Philly. I am hosting a movie premiere of Dogman for families on Saturday at 11am at the Neshaminy AMC. It is free but you must register. I look forward to finishing the month. February I will be doing a Valentines, galantine’s and a solo valentine’s day series. In addition, I will be featuring Black owned businesses and more for Black History month. Have a great weekend. I may be back for a Sunday blog to start the new week. As always if I don’t say it enough, thank you for your support. Happy January newsletter.