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Quick Lunch Idea and A Great Way to Get the Kids to Eat Healthy

So it’s no secret that kids can be truly picky. Even some adults are super picky too. Lunch can be mundane. Now that so many are at home working they are now the lunch lady/guy for their family. With that in mind I found a way to have a quick lunch idea that is full of great fiber, protein, and taste good with Banza.


I’ve been infatuated with Banza for almost 2 years now. I first learned of them when I won a giveaway. Ever since than I’ve been able to make vegan and non vegan dishes with their products. Banza is a substitute of chick peas made into pasta and as of this week, they announced that they now have pizza options available too! Talk about a one stop shop!

Kids One Track Minds

My kids for instance like the same things; chicken and fries, Mac and cheese, and pizza. They don’t eat sandwiches, never have. It’s my fault. It’s not for a lack of trying. When I first had them at least for their toddler years, I was home making hot meals everyday. I didn’t give them anything processed and little quick meals I grew up with I didn’t make them. Don’t ask me why because to this day I wish I had changed that. I’ve noticed that at school around their friends they will eat it but if I personally tried to serve them they would think something was wrong with me.

Quick Meal

Both my husband and I are working from home. Oh and I now also handle social media for 2 companies on the side and run my blog. My time is spent. I start my lunch lady duties at 10:30 am since my youngest eats at 1130. If I don’t quickly make me something at the same time I will look up and find that I’ve only had 2 meals a day!

Pasta Choices

The other day I made a post of my Banza pasta for National Pasta Day! I made the pasta with 2 types of pasta. Now let me say 2 years ago I made the pasta WITHOUT reading the instructions and it was an epic fail! The pasta was super mushy. This is why I was glad two years ago I has enough sense to buy double products so I could remake it! The pasta comes out perfectly every time now!

Here is the Cavatappi pasta with vegan pesto alfredo:

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Here is my penne pasta made with vegan sauce and Gardein ground:

Chick’N Mac with Banza

So my youngest wants Mac and cheese everyday! Not every other day but everyday! So I found a way to add vegan chicken to the Banza Mac and cheese and here it goes:

It only took less than 15 minutes! I seasoned the heck out of the chicken and I got some too just to prove it was fine! They literally sat and waited for me to take the bite first.

It was super delicious and again it took no time. This way I could fix it and move on to work!

Here is the recipe that you can use:

So a lot of people are switching over to more plant based meals. It doesn’t mean you have to be full on vegan. One plant based meal can save the Animals as well as the Earth!

No I’m not vain, my face is my screensaver lol

So have you tried Banza? No?! Click here to find a store near you! It’s worth it! It taste great. It’s easy to make (follow instructions) and it’s packed with great nutrients!

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