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2019 23rd Street Armory Oktoberfest

Oh what a night?! Oktoberfest is exactly what you would expect…food, fun, culture and beer! 23rd Street Armory has to be the biggest one I’ve attended so far.

I love the layout. You walk in and it’s fully decorated and organized. You know where the beer and food is, there’s plenty of seats, great service, and music playing!

So yes the crowds are big. Let me say they have enough people not to feel too crazy but enough that you can’t help but be friends with whom you are seated. I walked around the entire space and everyone was pleasant. I like to think it had to do with me but let’s go with the fact that it had to do with the atmosphere!

The open space is just what you need to navigate. Tickets for the event is $25. That’s not a bad starting price. I would suggest you get VIP so that you have food and your first beer included along with VIP seating. Oh and you get served. Now you don’t have to get up and get your food. You can have it brought to you!

Also because drinking and driving don’t mix consider getting the Uber VIP! Now you can have the same amenities as the regular VIP but with secured ride home. Trust me the size of these beers for even one drink will let you know that Uber or a responsible ride is where you want to be.

It’s a full on celebration with tradition food in tow! From the amazing pretzels, to the pork, sauerkraut, and to the roasted chicken you’re not going to want to miss!

You can follow me on Instagram to see some amazing performances or on my Facebook page! I loved it!

Shout out to Nick! Nick celebrated his 21st birthday! I don’t know of a better place than to celebrate drinking beer!

Now did I enjoy myself? Absolutely! I love beer and all things Oktoberfest that’s why I’ve been making my rounds!

I want to leave you with the link so you can get in the building and have a great time!

Tonight (Saturday October 19) it’s from 1-5 and then again from 7:30-11:30! Make your way and get your tickets here!! Trust me the tickets sell out fast! It’s always a hit so get them as early as you can!

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