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4 Weeks Almost Half Way There!

I finally have my date set to go back to work. Yay! I don’t even know how I’ll feel going back. All this time to recover and get my body and mind together I feel like I’m on a forever vacation. None the less I must return and at the end of the month literally I’ll be back to business as usual.

So until that day I will recover, enjoy my time off and continue on my way. One of the things I am liking but not liking are the little things that are coming out during this time. One is just my adjustment to the people around me. My hormones are leveling out. I have such a ways to go but I am noticing that I am able to jump back into some things quicker.

When I was in Wildwood I had to take a break from the crowd and gather my thoughts. A large part of that had to do with physical pain as I was able to relax and get it together. Then this weekend opened my eyes to a few things. I’m learning that I can’t control much and to be okay when things fall apart. Not to be so quick to fix things. To let a few things take its time. I am a worrier by nature. If I feel like my world isn’t in it’s place that fear makes me get more involved. The issue with that is I usually make things worst. So right now I am learning to enjoy the peace in the midst of confusion.

I remember growing up and my parents trying to teach me that lesson. I am quick witted and usually my mouth is sharp. Although that’s an excellent trait to have when needed it can back fire. At this point I’m learning to be vulnerable and be at peace. If for whatever reason things don’t line up it wasn’t supposed to. I don’t need to keep everything or everyone around me okay. 

So it’s the little lessons that are the best when I open myself to learn. There will be many more lessons I’m sure of it. But when you aren’t in the normal flow of life and you have no choice to slow down you get it. Like my mom would say your bulb comes on. And trust me I don’t like it but it’s necessary.

So as I go into week 5 I have some loose ends to fix. For instance I have some stuff with my job to get in line and all I can say is somebody lift your sister in prayer. I am definitely the type to have my paperwork in order and I found that I’m not dealing with the same belief system. I’ll blog about it once it’s taken care of. I also have quite a  number of appointments yet to attend to. I’m going back to work on week 6 but reality is it won’t be 100% until week 8.  I contemplated taking the entire 8 weeks off but I’ll be okay to go back to work at week 6. 

I also have to get some things situated on the home life. My goal is to have a few things done ahead of time to make my work transition a little easier. I will do a soft attempt to get back into a soft work out. Yes you read that right. This week I’ll do longer walks and see how I do weaning off of ibuprofen. I will also do some test runs during the time I would be at work. That way I can see how I may hold with no nap. Yes I said naps. I love and know I will miss my naps when I go back to work. Trust me if you had the ability to take a nap here and there you would be on it. So here’s to another week of the hot flashes. And hoping that the tiredness and irritability goes down as well.

So here’s to stepping into week 5!! Have a great week!! I hope you are enjoying your Summer. I still will be doing my beach day. Either this week or next before I go back to work. A day by myself to regroup and align myself for the rest of the summer and prepare some goals for the Fall!! I like to think of it as a personal retreat if you will.

Thank you all who prayed or thought of my family and I as we celebrated my mother in law’s birthday this past weekend. Continue to lift up our family in prayer and thoughts especially my husband. 

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