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Christmas in July: Tinsel Philly Brings All the Feels

So on Sunday my husband and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary. With that being said we wanted to spend a few hours social distancing alone aka out without the kids. We had an amazing early dinner, look for that blog this week. After dinner I suggested that we go to one of my favorite places and that’s Tinsel.

Tinsel is Christmas’ Favorite Spot

If you have missed any of my Tinsel blogs you missed a full treat. Tinsel is like Christmas’ favorite spot. It’s no secret how much I adore Christmas. Christmas is like everything for me. It’s about the decorations, food, and drinks. It’s about family coming together. So every single time Tinsel has anything they know I’m there. With Covid-19 it seemed that restaurants were having a hard time trying to pivot with the changes of quarantine and the stay at home orders. Even the week that Tinsel announced its opening, PA Governor Wolf changed the rules yet again. Tinsel has always been the one spot in Philadelphia that has kept its Christmas roots strong. They do change it in October for Halloween too but Christmas has always been their number one go to. From the drinks to the decorations Tinsel is aesthetically everything and more.

Dessert Switch Please

I didn’t think I was going to pull off going to Tinsel unless I went with one of my friends as we have the kids and I still feel in quarantine and it not coming out to places I know will keep social distancing at an all time high. Tinsel is bar so it’s an adult fun time. When I suggested that instead of dessert at the restaurant we went to for our official dinner my husband gladly was okay with the plan. The light in my face was on a full thousand. While at Tinsel due to Tom Wolf’s orders you need to order food while there. I ordered fried Oreos with my drinks. Nothing says Summer more than fried Oreos. Although Oreos aren’t really a christmas treat, it’s about mixing Christmas with Summer and having the best of both worlds.

Oh and since the ice-cream wasn’t vegan I shared it with my husband aka he ate the ice-cream and I ate the Oreos

Social Distance

Yes Tinsel has a sure way to keep the spread of Covid-19 low. From requiring masks until seated, QR code to bring up the menu, not one staff I observed wasn’t following the rules. They were serious and even when one patron tried to slip through they kindly asked them to leave. For someone like me who has been strict on following the rules it made my little heart feel good.

All The Feels

So Christmas is always a mood booster if Christmas is your thing. Christmas in July is a celebration that’s about how the Southern Hemisphere celebrates it in what’s considered our warmer months. It’s their coldest time of the year. For me Christmas in July is a great excuse to dust out the Christmas decorations or for me I look to see what new Christmas items I will need and make my list to be ready for the real thing come December. Tinsel provided me that happy moment of what Christmas brings. The decorations are A-1, the Christmas music is always great and their Christmas themed drinks takes you to Christmas and the way Christmas would want to be celebrated.

Bah Hamburg; made with Quince gin, lemon juice, simple syrup, splash club, cranberry garnish


After you sit down you may remove your mask you scan the QR code and you will get access to the menu. The menus has a mix of drinks provided by Tinsel. There’s also food provided by Luka Ma and Fin McCools. Luka Ma has more of your dessert and frozen drinks menu. Now word on the street is that Sunday when I was there they had run out of the palm tree cups. I’ve been saying how much I wanted one of those drinks that you can fill up with Frozen Watermelon Margarita, Frozen Jalapeño Margarita, or a Frozen Aperol Spritz. My server, David, saw the disappointment in my face and found one deep down in the back! Night made again!

Hands down the best Server, David

So now I have one but not to make anyone upset I took my cup home where I’ll make some home drinks in as a souvenir of my time at Tinsel.

Left-Jack Frost (Naughty Cocktail) made with tequila, pineapple juice, coconut Redbull| Right- Frozen aperol spritz

So you have drinks, good food as they have actual food not just dessert, Christmas on display, great staff, social distancing, and all around fun, there’s no reason to not be at Tinsel.

The only thing you won’t get is this view:

Tinsel won’t be here for ever! Get out by Labor Day. You don’t want to miss all of the fun!

Tinsel is located at 116 S. 12th Street. Hours are Monday-Thursday 3-10pm and on Saturday and Sunday from noon-10pm.

If I had a favorite I would say the way this heat is set up go frozen. They are the most fun.

The only thing I ask is to be sure to tip the elves aka the servers well. Not only are they attempting to recover, they also work in a field that can shut down at a drop of a dime. Since in Philadelphia there is no indoor dining they are also at the mercy of the weather too. So tip 20% and above.

Thanks to Tinsel for the warm hospitality. Thanks to Aversa PR for always putting on for the city of Philadelphia!

For more information see Tinsel Facebook as they attempt to keep you updated if there are changes!

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