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Friday Weekly Recaps: January 18, 2019

So I started this series last year and I decided to bring it back. I will be quite a few series in this 2019 year. Be on the look out. The weekly recaps are simple, they keep you updated on what you might have missed as well as it keeps you updated on me and what I have going on. So here we go:

Blog Life

So blogging this week was fine. I did a video on my Facebook page regarding the Women’s History series we do every March. This is important. We are talking about failures from every day women who like you and I are out here pushing through, sometimes getting stuck and acknowledging where they are. If you want to be heard and want your story told, remember email me at

Women all around the world can participate in this blog series. It has always been a great response from women to support women and uplift women. Also getting the blogs done ahead of March allows me to edit them and set them to go live on their respected days and times.

Blogging in general has become easier as the capabilities of working this site are amazing. I can do them, edit, and release them and I don’t have to be glued to my laptop or phone. This is a far cry from how it was when I first began.

Fit Life

Things are looking great. I am working out and amping things up. I slowed it down after my last run in November to recover from an ankle injury.  It has allowed me to enjoy the holidays and now that I have my 2019 run schedule in place its time to get things going. So this year I am running in 5 races and 3 walks/fun races so that’s 8 opportunities this year to keep me motivated. I am following the same schedule as last year leaving November and December to be my down time. It works for me.

Kid Life

My children are doing amazing. My son is back in soccer.  So soccer mom and dad are on the move. I really call myself and my husband Uber parents on the weekend. My kids social schedules are pretty packed. With 3 kids it’s a lot to manage but well worth it. My oldest is still in Girl Scouts. Girl Scout cookie sales just started yesterday so I am the cookie mom who is out here getting these orders together. My youngest is enrolling in karate so we pretty much just make sure we sync our calendars, drink our water, and I make sure I grab my coffee at this point.  We are those parents who are definitely on the move. I think it helps though to keep us on point and keep the kids completely grounded.

Also shout out to my youngest for getting Super Student and my oldest for getting Peace Maker of the month award!

Travel Life

I am also working on my travel schedule for this year. I know what you’re thinking, how is it possible? It’s possible because I am making it a priority. Between planning a Baecation, family vacation, a few girls get together, traveling out of the country, etc its all going to be a juggling act. I literally can smell beaches all in my Summer plans. Bring on the tan lines.  It will be fun to watch all of these plans come together while maintaining sanity and life.

Personal Life

I have been doing a better job in understanding how my responses to those around me matters. For instance a situation happened where if my response wasn’t right I could have made matters worst. But I have been speaking slowly and listening faster. I am starting to realize that not everything deserves a response.  Also I am learning that I don’t have to overextend myself. I have always been the type to help and give. Now I understand that I can cut back and allow some things to not happen on my side. I don’t have to give to others who don’t give to me. I never do it for other’s response but there’s a difference in giving to others because it’s the right thing to do or giving to others as they take and continue to be people who withdraw from your resources as well.

We have a cat, Tiki. I am well I wasn’t a fan of cats in the past. To be honest I really didn’t like them.  I am finding that I really love our cat. My son has been asking for one for quite some time. Between my daughter wanting water frogs and my son, we gave in. So now we have 2 water frogs and a cat and working our way to a dog. Of course whatever pets we have I am the one that is the main overseer of their care.  Once we have the dog, that’s all the pets my mind and pockets will be able to handle. It has been an adjustment with Tiki. One from managing allergies in the home, to understanding a cat’s care. I can say that it’s been a few weeks and we are starting to get used to Tiki’s love and presence. So if you have cat advice, its super welcomed.

For the month I have a few blog events I am going to. Working out to keep fit for these runs, and preparing for this snow storm expected to hit over the weekend!

I do hope you have a great weekend! I will be editing and brewing some blogs. I also plan to finish some book and magazine reading! If you’re in the East Coast about to experience this snow, get your gas, food and do a medicine check before tomorrow! Wishing you warmth, great snacks, and plenty of wine to get you through!!

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