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Monday, Nope Not Today!

You ever have one of them days where things go left but you’re trying to press anyway. That is the day that I had this morning.  I say had because in writing this I am releasing that negative energy into positive right now. Like at first I had to really consider if my job or life was worth a blow up.  Obviously for good reasons I came to the conclusion that it wasn’t.

Let me say that as a wife and mother, this job is not for the faint of heart.  To keep 5 people in order and make sure everyone has what they need is a lot.  I decided that I need me some me time.  I have been running around for everyone.  I can’t tell you the last time I took some solid hours to do my happy things like a long uninterrupted shower where little hands don’t come in, read my magazines or just zone out and get some rest.  However I know that if I don’t soon make it a priority my name is going to be Toi Kaboom.  So that is the first thing on the agenda tonight is some much-needed ToiTime all pun intended.

So let me tell you how it began.  I woke up early today and decided to finish putting the laundry away.  Why not?  Then I began to get agitated because everyone in the house was sound asleep. I said let me reset my morning and get it right.  Then I get to work after a good drop off with the younger kids and my purse literally got stuck in the elevator. I am on the elevator with several other co-workers going on to the top floor so I can ride it all the way back to the bottom to hit the side door release and go back to my job on the 2nd. So if I wasn’t agitated I definitely am now.  I am embarassed.  I want to say some choice words.  They are swirling all in my head.  I thought why didn’t I take a day?! What is this? Some movie?  Who gets their purse strap stuck in the door? Like Lord, am I being punked?

So when you allow and don’t check your spirit you literally invite all kinds of negativity into your life.  It wasn’t just the purse.  It was a lot of unchecked issues that I haven’t been able to bring up.  A lot of running around on my parent.  I had to have gotten the most interesting students come in at my job.  I felt like I had to reset myself several times so I could be who I needed to be to each of them separately instead of collectively.  So I am trying to get myself together and now I am about to blow.  I took a walk.  I got focused.  I prayed.  I watched a funny video of my 2-year-old who didn’t go to bed until like 1am.  I took responsibility for my actions and made it right.  Does that mean my day won’t continue to look whacky?  We know the answer is wrong but I can at least regain my emotions and still have joy.  I can still simply not just go through the day.  I decided to spend some time doing the things I enjoy while I take care of my responsibilities.  I am making my responses to my day correct.

So if you had remember that word had, a wacky Monday like mine started, reset, release and readjust yourself and make it what you want.  The power we have in our tongue and mind is amazing in its own right.  Turn it around.

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