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Gathering Myself

So I don’t know when Philadelphia will come out of the Yellow Phase, or when I will feel comfortable enough to take my family out of our home but we are in the second week of June and I have zero Mom Camp plans. The struggle is real. I haven’t gotten on Google or anything. I feel a little Mom Guilt about this! So here’s to gathering ourselves and checking in with ourselves. 

What Plans?

Now I know I will come through with some form of plan. The reality is that children need to have their imaginations ignited. I found an indoor and outdoor s’more maker etc that I may get. But the reality is the kids and I are winging it. I bought water guns but with everything going on, it makes me nervous even letting them play with them. Plus I am having to work as well so I don’t have an unlimited amount of time to really dig in and make things happen. So this week I have to start the process of researching kid friendly Summer Home Vacation ideas on top of the normal beach and lake days. Pools are a little out the box for me to put into practice. I will have to wait the pool time out.

Summer Mom Guilt

So this Mom Guilt and the fact that Covid-19 got me wanting to keep my family in our comfortable bubble has my head space all over the place. I have a lot of great ideas but I haven’t enacted any of it yet. Covid-19 is really messing up all of my plans even some brand trips that I had planned since I had planned on having my children come along for the ride. To be honest I might have mentioned this before, but I want my children to travel with me as I conquer these goals. So I was more than excited when a brand that I am working with made that a possibility. Enter Covid-19 and now that is on hold for a while and it looks like I may be doing some solo travel a little later on into the Summer and early Fall. Now as much as its a bummer its gives the world some time to make sure we are all safe and next year, allow my children to be in tow for all of the fun.


Being Practical

Although my mind is telling me where is your plan my kids have only been out of school for almost 2 weeks. I don’t have to have everything all together just because my mind is all the place. I can balance and figure this out and do a theme of activities each week. So anyone who knows me I will be deep into my Pinterest. It will be my go to. So although this isn’t how I wanted my Summer to start, I will still be doing my weekly Summer Camp ideas blogs like I did last year. Last year I spent $75 not for each child, but in total for each week for Mom Camp. Yes 75 dollars for a full days of activities for 3 kids total I know that with that level of creativity I can knock Summer Home Camp out the park. So stay tuned for weekly recaps of the activities I come up with. When the outside opens up at levels that I feel comfortable with I will incorporate outside activities too. Until then, Mom Camp will be in full effect. Gathering some Rest

Okay that isn’t a website but it is how I feel. I have a lot of things up the pike and the tiredness is mounting. I have decided to change how I do my nights. At night I find is my most productive time to set aside from work to work the blog. Don’t get it twisted I do use my day time hours too but in order to be more present for my children, this is how I move. At night instead of waiting for super late hours I will definitely make sure that I cut my time short. No more 2-3am sessions. The seconds when the kids goes down until bedtime which I am going to reset to 11pm will be my time to work. After that I need to get into bed since I am an early riser I can’t always do both unless I am under deadline. The tiredness comes in at about 7pm and a burst of energy comes in at 9pm and before I know it 2am comes and I might just be ending my day. I have to fix this and change this ASAP.


New Projects

I do have some new projects coming up. I have been putting a lot of work behind the scenes. As soon as I have it come together I will make the announcement. Trust me the work is paying off. I will also blog it too. This leap of faith is super scary. So for those who are in their upper 30s like me almost hitting that good 40, dreams still can be ignited and completed. There is no expiration point in completing goals for sure.

So here is my New Summer Self-Care Tips:

So yes we all are having to change our plans and it sucks. Let’s not act like its not. However one of the things that is serving me in this season is being creative, not taking a NO for an answer, researching the expertise in a field I am not familiar with, and taking a leap of faith.

Social Media and Gathering your Time 

Are you following me on Social Media? Follow me all across the board as Toitimeblog. Here is a quick way to follow me on Instagram. I post quite often on Instagram a lot more often than Facebook. Click and follow along the journey.


Stay Safe!

Congrats to all who really did this Quarantine right. You pushed through and although it was hard you made it through. I will join the world again when its safe. Who knows when that will be but I may start with an outing with my blog friends and spread it out from there. So until then, stay safe and keep your wits about you. Summer will be whatever it will be. I am looking at it as an opportunity to save money. If nothing else when the Fall comes I will be ready for a little mini vacation or even a blog trip for sure.

So to not just my mom followers but all of my followers-how are you getting ready for the Summer? Is Summer cancelled? What are you looking forward to that you feel you can still make happen? Sound off in the comment section- I love a great dialogue!

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