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How to Make Life Healthier and Fulfilling During the Pandemic by Jennifer Scott

Today we have a little change in Monday Motivation in that we have a guest blogger. Today’s guest blogger is Jennifer Scott. Today she will blog about making your life healthier and more fulfilling during a pandemic. Believe it or not we are still in it. I know people tend to forget as they are finished with feeling “trapped” at home instead of seeing it as being safe at home. The reality is we are seconds away from a mandatory stay at home issuance. So what do you do when you have made or are making strides to get your life together in a pandemic and don’t know the first place to start?!

Life has changed

There’s no getting around it—life has changed. In many ways, the pre-COVID days and the present day seem like completely different time periods. Sure, businesses have been opening back up across the country, but it’s at a limited capacity for the most part. And with the number of cases still rising, it’s hard to know when the pandemic will cease and the economy will be back in full swing. 

With that said, there are ways to make some of the changes work for you. Below are a few examples of enjoyable, healthy activities to consider adding to your life. 

Take care of the essentials. 

Though adjustments are necessary, some things must go on despite a global pandemic. For example, you still need to get groceries (actually, more than ever since restaurants are still at limited capacity). Fortunately, major grocers across the country are making efforts to enforce social distancing and other safety precautions. Plus, more people are using grocery delivery services because it means that they don’t even have to leave their homes to get the items they need.

If you have to move, then buying a house is also something that can’t wait until the pandemic is over. While fewer sellers are willing to show their home in person right now, more sellers and buyers are finding that 3D walkthroughs, video-chat tours, and virtual open houses are more than sufficient. 

Meds for a Healthier Lifestyle? Yes!

And of course, the need for prescription meds doesn’t stop with the pandemic. Like grocery stores, pharmacies are generally going to great lengths to protect their customers and staff from the virus. Moreover, many pharmacies have a drive-through pickup option, and depending on your specific medication, you may be able to fill your prescription via mail order or home delivery. 


Start a garden. 

One fun, healthy activity to consider adding to your routine is gardening. Whether you plant vegetables, flowers, or both, creating and maintaining a garden can provide you with a plethora of benefits to your health and well-being. Choosing the right crops to grow, picking the right location for your garden, and preparing the soil properly will get you off to a great start.


Cut your own hair.


Barbershops and salons have been reopening across the country. But if you’re still not comfortable with going to get your haircut, or you’re having trouble making an appointment at your regular salon, then you might feel the need to cut your own hair. This is actually a useful skill to learn; just know that using scissors may not be in your best interest. Keep it simple by purchasing some quality hair clippers and a hair-cutting mirror. 


Adopt a pet.


Another thing to consider doing in these strange times is adopting a pet. In every community, there are many dogs, cats, and other animals who need a loving home. But adoption doesn’t just benefit the pet; it’s a great way to add joy and companionship to your life!


Pick up HIIT. 


Fitness facilities have been allowed to reopen in some areas but remain closed in others. Even in places where they are open, however, more people are hesitant to break a sweat in close quarters with others. By finding an exercise routine that you can do from home and/or around your neighborhood, you can ensure that you get the physical activity you need while also staying safe. 


High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can provide a great full-body workout in a shorter amount of time. Plus, there are many different at-home routines for all fitness levels that can be done with little to no equipment. 


Any time major changes happen, they come with challenges. But they can often be used as an opportunity to make your routine healthier and more fulfilling. Consider the ideas listed here for activities that can give your life a boost, and remain open to other ideas you might come across on your journey. We may not be able to control a lot of what happens with this pandemic, but we can take charge of our own lives in the process!

So what did you think? These are amazing tips that we all need now to help you navigate through this space!

Jennifer Scott is a lifelong sufferer of anxiety and depression.  A single mom, she writes about the ups and downs of her mental illness on SpiritFinder. The blog serves as both a source of information for people with mental illness and a forum where those living with anxiety and depression can come together to discuss their experiences.

Thank you Jennifer for this amazing article and tips!

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