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Keep your Hands to Yourself

So today while out grabbing breakfast before work I see a man shove a woman.  I am livid. A man comes from the middle of no where and grabs this young man up and inside I am happy.  A lot of men do not step up in these days not because they believe a woman should be hit but because these young idiots out here stay strapped.  Back in the days of my dad and grandfathers, men stepped up.  Yes there were men hitting their women but men didn’t sit idle and allow this mess to continue.

Last weekend I went out with my husband and his friends.  I had a really good time despite my initial apprehension.  None the less as I was coming back from the bathroom a man approaches a woman and out of no where this man punches this woman square in her face.  I moved back initially because I wasn’t sure what this man was going to do.  A man came out of no where again and punched the unsuspecting man dead in his face.  I was like go head and get em.  I applauded that man.  He didn’t have to come to her rescue but again it should never be okay to hit a woman regardless of the situation.  On the flip of that I don’t agree with women hitting men neither.  I have seen countless videos on social media where women are balling their fist up and hitting these women but then dying when that man hits back.  I don’t think as a woman I could take on a man and just flat-out win.  It would take a lot of effort.  But I don’t run up on none either.

This is the day where women are more and more at risk for such violence and it’s getting to the point where it don’t have to be from a domestic dispute.  I just read a story where a woman asked a man in the store if he knew how to bake a pie and he leaves and comes back and knocks her out.  No one in the store stepped up  They sat there and just watched and filmed the whole thing.  The video I am sure will be great evidence later, but how about rendering aid?  No?! Where do they do this mess?  Like I am really trying to find a reason and I am coming up blank.  Like I am the type of women that has way too many men that would stand up for me.  My husband, my dad, grandfather, just too many men that have been outstanding in my life to think that this is how you treat a woman.  It’s not.

Ladies violence is wrong.  If you are in a situation where you think this is love, we got some talking to do.  I know it starts off as mental abuse first before they graduate to physical abuse. This is why I advocate for women to get their stuff together before you link up with someone.  Men need to do the same quiet as its kept. Some of the things that are in your past lies dormant until you link up with another person or have a child.  It’s important to be whole in your mind, body, and spirit.

To the men that think this makes you a man, I am a woman and can’t tell you what it takes to be a man but in the eyes of women and most men this is definitely not a requirement. You are put here to protect women, all women.  Not to put your hands on them.  Do you realize that the woman you hit is someone’s daughter, mother, sister, etc?  What happens when you have a little girl and she’s watched you batter her mother?  She thinks its okay. I watched another video on social media where a man had an actual leash on a woman and paraded her through the block calling her a bitch.  She smiling thinking to herself I am sure that at least she got a man.  A man that walks you around calling you a bitch with a leash would have gotten his ass beat by my dad and thats real.  Matter of fact my dad might have gotten me too if I allowed it.  That is crazy.

Walk away. Get some help. But it won’t be until you run up against another man that makes you accountable that you will see the error of your ways.  Or you must have that woman you beat get enough strength to realize she don’t need your sorry ass then the power you had on her will be gone too.  It’s easy to hit someone who isn’t a worthy opponent.  Please evaluate yourself.

What irks me is the men who don’t have the good sense God gave you.  Back in the day women were being beat and hiding behind black eyes,sunglasses, and makeup.  Now y’all bringing behind the scenes beatings to the street.  It don’t make no sense in this day of camera phones but what do I know. I am not advocating for you to take it back in the house either.  I am simply saying you have to be special kind of special to do it with witnesses.

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