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The Thanksgiving Rush

So I am usually one for celebrating the holidays.  However my days have been super long and I just realized that Thanksgiving is the next week.  We have so much to do with closing out some of the items from my mother in law’s passing. I honestly hadn’t had the time to really tapped in.

Change of Plans for Thanksgiving

Normally his mother would cook until she got to the point where she couldn’t. My husband’s uncle then took on all the cooking.  I haven’t heard word on whether or not he will be resuming things. My husband and I will just cook something at home and enjoy our little family. Now if the uncle decides at the last minute to cook, I will still prepare a meal at home. That’s how I grew up.  My mother didn’t care whose house we went to she made her own dinner. That way we would always have something to enjoy for later. Remember you can’t go to folks house trying to take leftovers for the week.

Thanksgiving Anxiety

So either way I find myself focusing on the big day.  I know we are to be thankful for everything all the time and trust me I am but the anxiety of trying to pull a menu together is a bit much right now but I know I will do just fine.  So with that being said I had to dust off a few of my recipes. I will also start my master Thanksgiving list.  You know that no matter what happens somebody will be hitting that grocery store the day before.  I am trying to be one less of those folks.  In attempt to avoid long lines, I will be going this week before the weekend.  I have a lot of events this upcoming weekend.  On top of some extra cleaning in my own home that I need to work on as well.

Holiday Preparation

So how will I get through? I will try to pre-prep as much of the items I can.  This weekend I will be getting my cookie dough all together.  Mind you I usually do this in the beginning of November but I didn’t have enough time. Preparing the food that I can earlier such as cutting up ingredients, etc will save me time and stress.  I will start making things on Wednesday.  I am off super early. So without the little people in the way I can get one or more items in the oven.  Another way is to have some fun.  My kids love helping me and I will be letting them in the kitchen.  Music will be there as well to get me through.  Not to mention with Thanksgiving means I can start decorating for Christmas and I really do look forward to it.

A little adult juice will be had as well.  So a stop to the state store to get me some wine is in order.  The holidays as stressful as they are at times depending on the situation. There are some who have no one to spend it with.  A lot of people miss significant members of their family. This year it will be my mother in law and my great-grandmother. This is the time to call and check up on everyone.  This can be such a low time for some of our neighbors or even the elderly.  If you have a sick member in your community invite them ove. If they are unable to attend, pack them up some good treats that they can enjoy.

Friends and Thanksgiving

Call a friend whom you haven’t spoken to in a while.  I know we are an Instagram, text, and snap world but call.  People’s voices are just as much important as being on social media.  Call a loved on whom you may have an issue with and work it out.  I have so many family and friends that read this. Trust me, I have nothing but peace for all.  I love the holidays and I think everyone should be together. However, I still also believe that you don’t have to force your feet under other’s table to make a point.  Love is love. Love don’t always mean forcing relationships to fit where they don’t fit. You can however call and be cordial to your family members.

Avoid Drama for the Holidays

Also to note, the holidays also start a lot of drama. So for the men and women that are juggling more than one man or woman-good luck.  You know how this works. Whomever you spend your holidays with will feel like the main chick or boo.  You can’t be at the same place at the same time. For my single readers, enjoy your holiday.  I get it you don’t want to be alone but it’s better to be alone than sitting with the one that is eyeing your cousin and your mom.

I get it. Being single feels like it sucks but everybody in matching outfits and broken smiles ain’t happy.  Also back to families not all families are built like the Cosby’s.  So often times old things come out or things that shouldn’t have come out too.  Don’t mix so much alcohol at these events when you know Aunt Sue going to show her ass.  I mean that literally too.

Take your time.  Try not to have so much hypeness over the holidays.  Be gentle with others. Remember the most important part, being thankful for the little or the much you were blessed with .

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