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Mid-Way There

Happy July 1st! Today is the first day of July and it’s a weird feeling. From the fact that we are this far into Summer and Summer plans are looking a little murky. From the fact that plans are on hold. Philadelphia hasn’t even gone to green and looks as if we won’t be going green fully any time soon.

Covid-19 Please Go!

2020 came in with so much enthusiasm and then came Covid-19 and snatched a lot from everyone. The pain of not seeing my family and friend still is disheartening. Add brand deals as far as all of the travel I had on my plate put on the back burner is a little jaunting. So what now? How can we move into the joy of knowing that although life is crazy we are still half way through the year? Do we focus on good to come after all of this? When will after actually arrive? I wish I had concrete answers but I don’t! The only thing I can do and want to do is take each day one at a time. I like to be honest about my feelings. I don’t want to hide where I am. There are days I wake up super positive and happy. Other days where my anxiety comes in and comes in hard.

Difficult Days

If I’m honest and that’s always my go to, the difficult days are hard. Like I find myself crying and listening to Gospel music because it soothes me and makes me think of my family. Those difficult days I still have to show up for myself and my family. Most days I feel as I concur it all but when the difficult days I find myself having to readjust my mindset. Every why I can think of comes into play. Not having an end time to this is hard for my Type A personality. I’m scared a lot too. Every decision I make to leave my home makes me wonder if leaving will get me or my children sick. My grandparents and most of their children (my aunts and uncles) have Covid-19. It heightens my fear. My grandmother was just on a ventilator. The worry is real.


Yes we are all learning how to adjust. We are moving different, working differently, and growing differently. As we do it’s revealing a lot in us that we didn’t know we had inside of us to do. Some are tapping into new skills sets while others are learning that the skills that once thought was enough, isn’t! It’s okay. It’s okay to be frustrated, angry or feel stuck as long as you don’t stay stuck. Daily you might have to keep switching the plan and reshuffling it. I feel like an automatic clown in that I’m juggling so much. One day I juggle 3 tasks and the other day it’s 2. Adding my children and husband into the mix and work and you have a daily mix of unpredictability.

Small Victories

One of the things that I try to tell myself is that small victories are just as important as large ones. It’s okay to feel the accomplishments even the small ones. Having everything done might not work but having a few things done does. I’ve done more home projects that I’ve ever done. Don’t get me wrong, they were on the list to do for quite some time. The “I don’t have time” excuses don’t work in this season. So back to accomplishing smaller to do goals.

Reset and Release

With the next year in limbo, reset and release. You might have to look go what you think is supposed to happen to release the good that is set up to come. You might have to release the stress of attempting to over do everything. Releasing stress and resetting goals is the only way to get through this second half of the year!

Today’s blog is sponsored by Dreamegg. I had to break down and get a new workout bike. Gyms aren’t opening and if we get closed down again my nerves of hitting the pavement may increase. To keep myself going the bike has become my go to. I add it to my other list of workout so that I can keep my mind and body in shape. With the increase of working out is the pain in my back.

Dreamegg gifted me a Heated Massage Belt. It couldn’t have come at a better time. It has 3 heating levels, 3 vibrations modes and it’s flexible and rechargeable. It’s a welcome addition to my health overall! It takes the pain off of my back so I can get up the next day and work out some more! So thank you Dreamegg. If you would like to get your own here is the Amazon link!

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