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Monday Motivation: Split Roads

You ever hear about a fork in the road? Life has a way of experiencing these moments. They come when you least expect it. But everyone of us have these moments to teach, grow, and make us into to what we are supposed to be. Do these lessons come without pain? Today’s Monday Motivation is about hard decisions.

Hard Knock Monday Lessons

I was a hard headed kid. Stubborn in all of my ways. If I was told no, I wouldn’t accept it! It was a blessing and a curse. It cost me a lot in life. I was the one who wouldn’t take what someone said as face value. I had to find another way. That has allowed me to push through. It drove my parents crazy! I would hear them tell me all the time, you gon get into all kinds of trouble. Guess what? They were right! I was always in trouble! However the trouble made me a better woman and mom in the long run!

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Lesson One: Always Count on Yourself

Life isn’t about being secluded but you should always be able to count on yourself. You should always have the strength to know that if Hell or High Water, you have what you need inside of you. It’s hard to believe when your back is against the wall that you’re not capable. You’re capable. You have what you need. You got this! I’ve surprised myself in the last few years and it’s been a beautiful journey!

Lesson Two: Friends Learn Them and Know Growth Means Change

I lost a few friends along the way. It would be easier to say that it was one sided but it wasn’t. I did and said some things and the same was done to me. Life through some lessons in friendships I wasn’t prepared for. I had to change and with change, meant sometimes pain. The pain of relationships changing was hard. I couldn’t understand it. Sometimes I still don’t. Even some of the longest standing ones has had times of tensions. Some are still standing, others have fizzled! Either way growing pains will be there. Disappointments are inevitable. Getting up and moving past the pain is how you grow. Also not letting everyone who hasn’t earned your friendship out is key too. Everyone who says they are your friend, truly aren’t!

Lesson 3: Jobs Come and Go Do What’s Best for You

I had one regret in my career. One boss I had in particular where I was on my way to quit but before I got there the whole thing shut down. I hated that job at the end. Definitely hated the way I felt. I hated feeling like no matter what happened I wasn’t appreciated or valued. It’s the one thing I regret not being able to let my employer know how I truly felt. In other jobs I knew if I didn’t show up, they would replace me.

Respect is Necessary

I was giving 110% and not being treated with respect. Doing what’s best for me has yielded way much more in return for me than working without a plan! I read Shonda Rimes’ story of being tired and feeling like a hamster on the wheel. I felt that. You do all you can only to find it’s not enough. When I tell you in real life I’m so close to calling my own shots I’m super serious!

Fork in the Road, Will you Fold?!

I’ve had my moments when I did. Folding, worrying about everyone! I’ve gotten better at making sure I do what I have to do for me. It’s heartbreaking knowing the things I should or could have done. Failure is impossible to skate around for sure. Failure is a part of how we move in this world! If I look back at my failure it was a lesson I needed. I think about it all the time! It’s what keeps me grounded! I know what it’s like to be at that fork in the road and do what’s comfortable instead of what actually is necessary.

Sometimes that means that you have to place comfort to the back and get uncomfortable doing what’s on the inside. I read over the weekend if you have a dream and you can remember it; it’s a sign to make things happen.

Hard Lessons

I’ve had some lessons that have hit me hard just like I’m sure you are. This Monday I know that life comes hard and fast. I want you to take those lessons and use them as fuel. That is why I make the choice to use those forks in the road to be the reason that I do better. The reason I learn and grow! The way in which I make moves is because those lessons are always guiding me.

For all of the things that we need to get done today and this week, get aligned!!! Make things happen! Don’t let comfort be your guide. You can be comfortable and stagnant. Happy Monday!

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