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Monday Motivation: Fear of Trying Something Different

It’s no secret that I have always considered myself pretty bold. I love trying new things but that doesn’t mean that every now and again that I don’t get nervous about trying a few new things here and there. I think we all can relate. The fear of the unknown can sometimes be super debilitating. It’s the wonders of what will take place that can leave us a little stuck.

Bring fear along?

With that being said one thing that works for me is to bring fear with me. Yes I know we aren’t supposed to walk in fear but if we are real there are times when fear falls off as you walk with it attempting to hold onto you. I took a boxing class for the first time and I was scared. I was scared that I would look crazy. As much as I run and work out I do not always like organized classes. I am learning that about myself because I always feel like everyone is on point and I am not. So worrying about others has me in the gym free styling or at home doing a home work out. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter right? All that needs to be done is to work out. However when the reasons as to why I hold back don’t make sense than yes it’s time to move past fear and accomplish the goals I set out and that’s to be physically fit and now I am working on toning this body. I haven’t gone up on the scale but my stomach and arms are out of sync and that is what I am working on. Boxing is a great way to definitely give tone definition. 

Clumsy but got it done

During this class you should have seen my face. When I am unsure about something I am not as organized. I had all these bags, I barely got parked before it started and I almost walked into the men’s bathroom. I get real clumsy when I get nervous but the staff at Do your Rumble say me, acknowledged me and helped me get past my jitters. Shout out to Molly who arranged for us to come and try out the class to begin with. I follow her and see most of her post and really admire her but when she asked initially if anyone wanted to take a class, I just scrolled past. I knew deep down I wouldn’t just go. While I was in LA she sent me a direct message and I was like okay Lord I hear you let’s do this. I think I hit her with a let me check my schedule which was true I wanted to get through LA first and circle back. Thankfully I didn’t do my normal out of sight, out of mind and let the opportunity pass me. 

Frances Dilone

The class itself had a warm up and 5 minute pre class so we could go over the moves. The moves are simple on the bag it’s the combinations and paying attention that I was more concerned with. However I was actually getting it. We switched sides and did the weight training etc. and I was shocked that I was getting it too. Can we just shout out Frances Dilone our amazing instructor whose high energy was what I needed from the start? She is hands on, encouraging and she is the reason I didn’t want to give up. She kept reminding us to not give up on ourselves. That is a whole word right? Giving up is easy, staying the course isn’t always ideal but having someone push you helps. 

Beginners nerves

Do your Rumble is not hard even for a clumsy beginner even for me. I was happy to see that the class is super organized and everyone in the gym really knows what they are doing in regards to making everyone feel special. Molly thank you for having me and Do your Rumble I am going to lock down some more classes. I have a few races and hopefully my 3rd Broad Street and my doctors have challenged me to other work outs outside of run and spin class. With that in mind, Do your Rumble is a great exercise that will help me with my problem areas. Do your Rumble is located at 1520 Walnut Street. Funny part is even though I kept telling myself I didn’t know where it was, I realized once I got there that I have passed this location several times going to events and never tuned into it. Well I want you to tune into it. Who knows maybe when you take a class you will see me. I plan to add this into my life at least 2 times a month along with my workouts and weekly runs as I increase from once a week to 2 times a week on the ground. As I get closer to the races that I have scheduled I will most definitely increase more workouts.

Why does my class serve as a Monday motivation? Simple-we all have a fear somewhere. We all have somewhere we feel a tug to do something we have been putting off that is going to be a great inspiration to us and a way to build us up but we are too scared to try it. Whether you try do your Rumble like I did, is great but pushing past that fear and making you a priority in life is. It’s important for you to reach all of the goals. If I won’t make myself take a class how will I even be in alignment to have an increase in my life to open up? Don’t close up other opportunities by being closed minded. 

PS Do Your Rumble has a beautiful facility for showering. They provide towels and even some toiletries. You pay for your gloves and hand wraps ($3). Once you pay for the wraps they are yours to keep. The gloves are rented for $5 unless you bring your own. They have a lot of lockers that you don’t even need locks for. It’s convenient they take the guess work so you can concentrate on the working out and showing up for yourself. Come comfy and ready to work they will take care of the rest!

Look at this Girl Gang?

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