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Monday Motivation: You Really Can Do Anything

Today’s motivation is a way to inspire the ones who need a reminder of how dope you really are. We spend so much time focusing on what we don’t have, who we don’t have, and where we think we should be that we won’t even dip our baby toes in our dopeness. No matter what stage of life you are in, you have plenty to be grateful for in this life.

Remind Yourself

What have you done that’s great? Have you started a project? Have you kept your sanity in these times? Have you allowed yourself to breath? Whatever it is, you are doing well. If you can read this, you are in a great position to do amazing things. You probably don’t even realize the good you have already done. Let’s move past insecurities, fears, and tap into that part of you that’s doing great things like surviving, creating, and making plans for your future. You are amazing!

Step out of Fear

It’s crazy how fear can really debilitate your moves but you have to know that often times fear is just a temporary stumbling block. Sometimes I have to take fear along until it drops off. This past weekend I did a monologue and I was super scared. It was me and 2 other amazing women. Having all eyes on me was terrifying. I mean sweaty palms, stomach pains, all of that I still kept going. Eventually the fear fell off. It was time to produce. It was showtime. After it was over I needed time for my nerves to calm down but it was an experience. 2020 has been a time for me to move past fear in a lot of ways. I’m scared. I’m wondering if stepping out in the front will be okay and I know it will but that fear is something serious. However I know how dope I am and with that, I’m going to keep on going.


What are you working on? What are you trying to create? A lot of things are on a stand still but some things can still move despite Covid-19. Have you emailed or attempting to make connections? One of the hardest part of creating is having the key players aligned. Use this time to get your team in place. Even if you’re like me and you’re a team of one, get the resources ready. Take a class online. Learn a new skill that will get your a few more steps ahead while we play a waiting game. These are actions you can take during this time to get you going!

Trust your Dopeness

You have certain instincts that will serve you in this season. You have skills sets that are already inside of you waiting to come out. Trust yourself. You are an amazing person. The world will notice you as you put in the work. When I first started blogging I kept saying who would want to listen to me? However I realized that I was a dope woman, dope mom, and a dope being and I have an authority to speak on life by being authentic and real. Someone had been and will go through the very things I did and would need a voice to let them know they would make it out. That dopeness has allowed me to continue blogging, keep inspiring, and keep pushing. Does that mean that life doesn’t attempt to blow? No. Life keeps giving what it gives and I keep falling and dusting myself because I know life will turn.

Clean up your circle

Dope individuals need to surround themselves around dope people. Check your circle. Not everyone will be on the same level but are they striving daily? Are the ones in your circle dedicated to being the change they want to see in this world? Make sure your circle matches. Too many times you have a few stragglers on the team and the hope is that they add and don’t take away from your dopeness. Elevation needs greatness to take off. Clean your circle. Also know when it’s time to end a relationship and that’s on all levels not just romantic.

So you are amazing just the way you are. You have so much that you are already working on. You have a circle of greatness that surrounds you and as long as you do the work to create and push through, life will give you all the greatness that is to be had and that’s the truth. Hard work can take you into places that skills set may not open. You got this. Take this energy into your Monday and week.

We have a lot of amazing content coming this week and I hope it opens you to remember you are dope! You are great! The world needs your gifts and talents, don’t bury them!

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