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Monday Motivation: Gratitude Challenge

So is it a good thing to spread gratitude? Yes! It’s better than spreading all kinds of negativity. We know some of the negativity is based on truth of our current situations. Some of the things that’s happening is beyond our control. We can’t change them. However our mindset is something we can work through.


I’ve said it in my deepest depression it usually started with a bad thought about perception. Once I allowed perception whether real or imagined and didn’t get control of it, I would spiral! Once spiraled it’s was hard to pull me back until a calm down was had and that for me could take hours, days or months depending on its severity! It was a hard place to be in! Seeing myself over react but not being able to stop it! It was hard and often times lonely!

I found that starting the day being grateful helped. It helped to set my intentions early. This could be done by a number of ways

So when speaking gratefulness you can do it a number of ways:

Whatever way you decide be consistent with it! I like to do it daily and I notice when I don’t fulfill the day’s gratitude! I notice when at times of stress it’s super easy to dwell on what’s wrong. It takes a lot to see bad things happening but focus on the good that is happening.

Quarantine Stress

With this quarantine we are not spending as much! One could be loss of jobs or just nothing having a place to go! For many the pain of loss is strong and hard! It’s hard to see past it! However when I think about any of my loved ones getting this disease or dying alone I know this will level out! I know that we will be better to save lives. When I get stress I do a reset!

Image provided by Blessing Manifesting; follow her page for more she’s so on time! I gave away two journals during my Toitime Blogiversary!!

Reset and Gratitude

A reset is stopping my thoughts from getting worse. Instead of thinking about what will become of this new month with social distancing I try to say I know the worse case but let’s focus on taking one day at a time. If my kids are getting to me and they will while I continue to home school I think about what if I couldn’t have kids. It makes me pause! It makes me grateful for the portion I was gifted! I was gifted to be here at this time because the alternative could be so much worse! The flip of life could be horrible! This is why spreading gratitude matters.

Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit

What can I do to contribute to this world? I can gift the world with positivity!! Make sure that I keep my mental health in check. I can encourage others who deal with mental health issues (FYI we all do in some form) to reset and do what they need to get through. Is it a nap? Writing? Praying? Is it a hobby? Is it taking a few minutes of quiet? What do you need? Find that which is healthy in mind, body, and spirit and do that! I’ve had to take breaks. An example is when the stress of the kids with teaching them and working at the same time we have taken dance breaks! We have taken a snack break. Color together. We may play music-a break is necessary at times and it allows a small refreshing to get through!

So if you follow me on Facebook you know I’m doing my daily gratitude! I missed Saturday since I was in bed for the majority of the day! I will be posting daily! You are more than welcome to join me! You can make your own video or type your response under the video daily!! I hope you join me! Let’s refocus and re-shift the energy!

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