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National Super Hero Day!

Today is super hero day and there are a lot of super heroes in the world from mothers to doctors and everything in between! My family has ventured into the type that loves to dress up and we love to pay homage to those who really stand out. But now in Covid-19 days I want to highlight the amazing medical field including house keeping, sanitation workers, food industry and restaurant owners, and everyone on the front line right now doing the hard work to keep us all safe right now.

Stay Home

Its a scary time right now. There are a lot of fear and anxiety into the world. With that being said how can we flatten the curve? Stay home. Only leave for things that are life sustaining. Play dates, hang outs, and parties are not considered life sustaining. We are talking about food pick up, grocery store, doctors appointments, medicine pick up. etc. Going into a life sustaining store that sells products like a Target or Walmart and just hanging out and buying things you don’t need is not what it means. We have a lot of people right now hanging out in these stores and its putting the workers and those in the store at risk. You know how I feel about such stores but I haven’t been inside instead electing to shop online and have things sent to my home. My own birthday is coming up and I am not risking the lives of my family to have a celebration. Zoom calls, mailed gifts will never replace human interaction but I want to hug and love on others for the long haul not just the short time.


I have friends and family members who are working the front line just like a lot of you do. The irresponsibility of others subjecting them to harm isn’t okay. We have amazing medical personnel who are doing things above and beyond their call of duty to provide not just medical care but holding the hands of the lonely as they support our loved ones during this time. They are having to be there when tough decisions are having to be made. They are comforting and supporting families as best as they can while attempting to make sure that they too are safe. The other side of this is some of them are making hard decisions to make sure that they separate themselves from their own family during this time. I can’t imagine as a mother not being able to hold my kids but I would separate myself if that meant they were safe.

Not all Super Heroes Wear Capes

Its a beautiful thing to see people in general showing love to one another. I know that we are seeing the reality of this pandemic. You hear and see the stories of grief. You see the pain this virus is causing, but I also love seeing communities that are coming together to support one another. People donating meals to the Front Line and those in the community that need food in general. I see communities coming together to help the elderly but still practicing social distancing. I love seeing families doing celebration trains etc the correct way by showing our graduates, birthdays and even weddings and baby shower receiptents that they are not forgotten. Its beautiful. Making others feel supported is imperative right now. We need so much of that right now.

What can you do?

Donate to the causes you believe in. Show love to others especially on social media. Collobrate with organizations to get to imperative information to people that follow you even if you aren’t an “influencer.” We all have some level of influence and we can use it properly to help each other. I would suggest maybe providing essential items to a loved one that is in need. Giving what you can always shows how much you treat others in high regard. We all can do small but great things for others.

So yes there are super heroes that we idolize like our Spider-Man, Batman, Superman etc. but there are some real life super heroes that we have in our own lives. I want us to all shout out our favorites. Let me know in the comment sections or on social media who your favorite super heroes are. Let’s give them our love and support and stay home. I know there are many states that have opened up. Do what’s best for you and your family. I will be home with my family beyond any opening to ensure all is well. I would suggest you do what works for you and assume responsibility if you choose to do things that aren’t helping within the guidelines of social distancing.

Thank you to all of our front line workers!!

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