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Monday Motivation: Own It!

So another Monday is here! Life is still crazy and time is waiting for no one. How do you wake up even when things feel so unsettled and own your day? Here’s some suggestions that I do to help conquer a trying day, moment, and times. Lets’ own it!

Reset my Mindset

Often times before things physically go left, often times we allow our minds to take control. If we spent more time shifting from a negative mindset, the good things that we need would align. That doesn’t mean bad things aren’t going to happen because if you just do like my momma would say, live a little life comes at you fast. When all I used to do was look for the bad in every little thing, I actually found myself physically, mentally, and emotionally tired. It takes so much more energy to stay in a negative mindset than a positive one.

Your skin glows when you’re loving yourself, drinking your water and working hard

Admit When You Need Help

It’s a closed mind that thinks you don’t need others. Now that doesn’t mean you need everyone. Be selective in who you outsource. Do you know how many times in the earlier years of blogging I found myself over worked because I didn’t ask for help! I also asked the wrong people. I love my friends but many of them don’t work in marketing or social media. So I can ask their advice but there are times I go to the right sources. Would you take your car to your doctor? Not unless he/she doubled in the expertise of fixing cars. Learn to get the right help or expect to do everything twice as hard!

Take a Leap of Faith and Own it

Before we continue, faith doesn’t mean lack of work. You can have faith and make moves too. This thought that you can have faith but have little to no work ethic is mind boggling. If you want it, walk towards it. Work towards it. Align yourself with the tools to get it. My blog felt like it took a moment to get anywhere. I now average in 30k readers a month. That’s a long while when I would get hype over 200 a month. I learned to love the stages I was in and work hard. It’s now that I’m able to do so much more behind the scenes. I took a leap of faith almost 6 years ago. Someone needs to move this morning…this is your sign!

Own it!

Do you know how liberating life is when you own it! Ask anyone who owns a car, owns a house, owns who they are-it’s all one in the same. There’s a sense of freedom. I woke up this morning to Zoom being down. I thought okay well it’s not working let me continue on to the next task. No need to make the day “bad!” I like to own the moment. There’s something I can get from everything so I might as well own it. You ever owned who you are? That wake up type of day where you love your curves, your mess ups, your “issues?!” It’s liberating. No one can have a hold over something you own up to! This is the type of attitude I like to have. Even my flaws and failure I own. Trust me you’re missing pieces to the story so I like to tell it myself and give folks something to talk about.

Monday Madness

It exists. It’s real. It gets crazier in all kinds of seasons. Fall is coming. Back to school. Back to the office for some; it’s all going to get even more crazier. With that in mind, let’s own it. We know it’s coming, let’s prepare to work around it!

So what do you need to own today? Today I own the craziness of the deadlines for the week. I own how amazing I’m going to be because I have faith and I’m working hard to see it through!

So you’re already up and moving-take control of your day! Let’s own it!

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