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National Motivation and Inspiration Day

What moves you? What makes you feel as if you can move mountains? Is it the New Year! That feeling will wear off if don’t have more to motivate you. Today is national motivation and inspiration day and it’s time to make sure you have those motivations aligned.

When I think about what motivates me I have the clichè answers that are true like my family especially my children. I mean how can I look at my children and not want to do more especially since they are the age where they notice more. They see more. They get it. However as much as I want to make them proud they will lead their own lives. Living for myself beyond them is more important to me. So I’m consistently challenging myself for what I want. So many mothers live their lives exclusively for their kids. I want to maintain myself so that when my kids get these moments of parenthood I can teach them balance. I would be a better teacher, by living it for them. So what motivates me?


I’ve always been the kid who would rise to the challenge when told no! It’s been one of the challenges I’ve had to work through. As a teenager and in my early teens that no got me into a world of trouble. Doing things just because of the word of NO isn’t how I move these days. Learning how to say No or move against NO for the right reasons. If I’m challenged with NO now for the right reasons; I find ways to move in the right direction. I’ve I’m told NO I can’t accomplish a goal that’s been in my heart to achieve I push through it. I’m going to make it happen and take a picture to prove anyone wrong. If something is inside of you, no matter how much you run away from it you will be drawn to it!

Good Health

I learned a long while ago when I was in my most unhealthiest moments that if I’m sick I can’t do much for those around me! Being healthy and making healthy choices sets me up for a better success in every area of my life. So no I’m no longer concerned about scales alone, it’s my off scale successes such as how my clothes feel or how confident I feel is important to me.

Lack of Motivation

It happens to all of us. We get unmotivated. We lose that edge to complete our goals. To get it back we must remember the goals we wanted to complete. This is why having your goals written and accessible is important. You need to get yo them often. It’s important to be able to get to your goals often!

If looking at them doesn’t work, sometimes a person you admire will help. You might be motivated by an old picture. You could be motivated by something you see on television. Keep your wits about you. You can’t always rely on something like an old picture. I was a size 4 barely in high school. No where does that size make sense for my present. Going back to that size isn’t going to work. So many people will see a high school picture and work themselves into the ground trying to get to their old look. Is all the factors still one in the same? Most likely not. I had no kids in high school nor the same metabolism. I didn’t have the same level of activity being in sports either. Can I become healthier? Yes. Can I maintain my size now? Yes. Can I tone? Yes! Keeping goals aligned helps.

So whatever you need to do to perk up your motivation-today is a great way to start. Not just because it’s the start of the new year but because daily motivation is the way to go! Do something daily that reminds you to be your best. Eliminate distractions in your life that take away from it. That may mean eliminate reality television or some of the things you follow on social media. If it’s not building you up get rid of it. Why delay your greatness!

Happy national motivation and inspiration day! I hope you are inspired to be the best version of yourself! May we be an inspiration to those around us as well!

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