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Sunday Message: Inspire Someone

I want to put out a series of inspiration because we could use it during this time! It’s hard trying to manage anxiety, fears, or heart break! We have a lot to keep together.

Saturday Chats

I had a FaceTime again with my friends and we talked about some heavy topics. Without going into personal conversations a lot of it had to deal with love and feeling heard! We all could use that. With the way complaints are being handed out what are you doing to inspire someone else. Do you even ask how someone is really doing? Are all of the conversations about really checking in with others? We need more care and more love right now and not selfishness. If you don’t ask how someone is doing but dump all of your mess on others how is that helping? We need more people spreading love. You never know when the time comes that it could be the last interaction. Not just because of Covid-19 either but this is how we should guard our hearts and minds daily

Call on others

So what can I do to motivate you? I pray I encourage you to reach out more. I hope I encourage you to try to be better today than you were yesterday. To forgive so you can have peace! To love behind small faults! It’s not a time for holding grudges. Although you might not ever sit and entertain those who hurt you gifting them forgiveness is still something you should strive towards! This is a Mary Poppins message this is the reality of life. We spend more time worrying about the wrong things and not about things that can help others! So love more and care more!

Spread Love

So as my friends and I continue our Covid-19 series of Saturday chats make your own! Stay connected! Stay deep in thought but utilize this time to find what you want and so those things! So who will you call not text today? Who you will make sure is good today?! I’ll be reaching out to a few more today! Please do the same! I love you all! Stay safe! Stay inside! Wash your hands! I love you!


If you saw on Thursday and Friday I shared what I was grateful for! I will do my best to share that daily on my Facebook page! Sharing what I’m grateful for is essential to good mental health! Often times we complain because we don’t take a look at the good in our lives. I’ve never seen anyone be truly grateful and complain at the same time. When I was in the earlier years of my marriage my husband was irritated by me. It had nothing to do with my ability to cook, work, or sex but more about my complaining spirit! No one wants to be around a sour spirit. Someone who spends more time with such a negative disposition all the time. It’s draining! Spend time even in the midst of bad situations being grateful! When I went to counseling I had to retrain my mind to see life and those around me from a different lens! Life is already hard enough for me to literally sit and complain! The time I lost having and working through problems I spent adding to its frustrations!

Problems Solved

Being grateful doesn’t stop bad situations or problems from coming! It doesn’t make things super happy all the time! It changes your response to them! It’s not a stop or a trick to happy times!

Above all we need more light into the world! I would hate to have spent time in Sunday school just to not apply the principle of being the light in darkness to just turn the light off inside of me! Be the light around you! Don’t be the reason someone rolls their eyes or sighs heavily just because you always come with negativity! If they don’t like you that’s one thing but if it’s based upon you open your mouth and bad things comes out-fix it!

So again I love you all! Stay safe and connect today and commit to connecting with someone daily!

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