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Monday Motivation: Quarantine Woes

I mean it’s clear unless you work in the medical field or other deemed necessary job you are either not working or working from home. Here in Philadelphia is day one of a shelter in place order! This is also the start of week 2 of this quarantine.

Social Distancing

It’s necessary to be inside and practice social distancing. I have to say that because I definitely believe in it and I’m hoping it will help less families get this unwanted virus! Regardless if you have conspiracy theories all the way on the brain, none of those things are lifting these city wide bans for getting back to normal life! It’s become our new normal and no one has an answer how long it will take before we are released from this whole viral infection. Time will tell! So here are a few notes I took to help us along this week as it gets a little tougher:

Be Honest

I know being positive is hard for some who dwell in a lake of negativity but it’s okay to be honest with yourself. It’s okay to be frustrated. It’s okay to be pissed off. I don’t know what boat of everything is okay that you have gotten off but I hope it’s at least sanitized! You can acknowledge your frustrations while still being responsible for your actions during this time. You’re not a robot. You have real and valid frustrations. Just don’t stay there long!


After you have your frustrating moments because they will come in waves the longer we are inside, reset. What can you do differently to express and get back on track! Even if you have eaten your quarantine snacks and must get more, find a way to reset! Reset your thoughts often. Reset your home and those you are quarantined with. Resetting is all about flipping the switch from mad to progressive love and understanding.

Get Creative

What can you do when you’re not binge watching your favorite shows or movies? Can you create content if you are someone thinking of getting into an influencer or blogger world? Yes! If you’re a baker can you learn new recipes? Yes! If you want to learn how to sew, can you? Yes! I’ve seen art classes, workout tapes, meditation, learning how to sing, all kinds of free or reduced prices on creative means. If you have attended DJ Nice’s Quarantine party-he literally took what he does, went live and allowed people from all over the world the opportunity to dance, remember good times, shake something, and be united through music! What gifts and talents are you almost literally sitting on that you could find a way to explore? Explore them! I’ve found ways to organize and move things around in my home! I’ve used my tripod more in this last week than before and you know I was using it quite often before! Find a way!


I spent some time calling friends and family trying to reconnect and check on others! During one conversation we talked about how we could be more centered with God, our family, finances, etc! It felt good to talk to like minded folks who all were on one accord! This is the time to get things right! The things we thought we can’t live without we are proving that we are still standing! We might look a hot mess but we are still standing! How can you love more to those who you might be locked in the house with more? I get to spend time with my kids and hear them. I get to see where I need to fall back more. Reconnecting is a beautiful thing when you step back and see it for what it really is!

Friends Elle and Cherryl during our Mask and FaceTime call

Be Prepared

If you have to go out make a list and get what you need. The times I’ve gone out has been really for food! But if you need hygiene products, medicine, work out gear-get what you need! Be prepared! My husband and I said to each other let’s get what we need for 2 weeks just in case! It’s helping us to be clear on our parameters! I had to be honest about certain things I needed so I could be vigilant about my mental and emotional needs! Saturday I got a lot of things done for the blog and other obligations and I wasn’t feeling well and needed a day to recharge aka take a whole almost all day nap! It felt amazing!

This quarantine will get worse! My kids have asked questions that I don’t have answers for! I can love on them, speak to them, give them a peaceful home and make sure they have the best lemon cupcakes I can make. They don’t understand. We don’t understand. All we can do is make the best of it all! Right now I don’t even have my hair right, face has been bare and clean, but I know this will pass. I want to come out on the other side of this whole!

Thank you

Check in with others. To my friends who I haven’t FaceTimed with just yet I’m making my rounds! Thank you to all of the medical field, grocery store clerks, truck drivers, bank employees, those reshelving, restocking, police, fire people, EMT, companies still shipping, Amazon and other packaging companies, etc!! We appreciate your service!! We appreciate the fact that you are on the front line of all of this for all of us! We pray your safety during this time!

We all need a covering! Let me know I’d you have quarantine questions-I can be reached at

School Days

To the parents who are teaching your kids like I am, give them teachers your FULL support when and if they get back to school! Support without attitude or having to be told twice! As a former stay at home mom this was just like old times! I had full curriculum for my kids. They are getting on my nerves but not at the same rate as others! Be organized with them trust me a schedule during what would be their school hours will help you all! Be clear in your expectations but also relax the atmosphere Ed it doesn’t have to be exact to the way the teacher would do!

I’m here with you and we will get through this together!

So if you wake up and don’t feel like laying your edges down, it’s ok!

If you wake up and just happy you took a shower! It’s ok!

If you wake up and just do the basics and aren’t working out and are finding your way, I hope this helps you!

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